A to Z Challenge – Reflecting Back

What a month April was for the A to Z Blog Challenge. I did write a blog post everyday during the challenge and worked out a few kinks for my book (that was a big bonus for me). You, my followers also got a peek into The Manx and learned about the Isle of Man. I hope you go visit one day; I know I will.

The challenge was also about marketing and spreading the word around about the challenge and about my blog, K.J. Scrim, Writer. Looking at my stats I did get a big bump in readership for the month. I came out with 260+ visitors during the month whereas a normal month is about 35.

The comments were a little lagging, but I enjoyed those who took the time to say something. Thank you.

I understand that the more who people interact with your blog (through comments) the higher your algorithms bump you up in status. With over two hundred participants in the challenge I was expecting more. I did blog hop to at least 5 new blogs a day, but it did get a little too much to try and comment on everyone of them so I understand why that part didn’t work out as well.

All in all, I had a great time doing the A to Z Challenge. It got me writing everyday. It got me thinking about my book and working out those lose ends. The real bonus? It introduced me to a few blogs that I would have never known about before. Will I do it again next year? I plan on it. Until then, enjoy this blog as it will be a little more active than it has been in the past.


7 Comments on “A to Z Challenge – Reflecting Back”

  1. This year I had a break-through on my WIP, too, while doing the A-to-Z. It didn’t really have anything to with what I was writing, but maybe it did open up the creative flow a little more, or something.


  2. I think there is less commenting than before, at least, I notice a drop in commenting compare to last year. I must admit, I visited a lot of blogs but left few comments, I just found I didn’t have much to say.

    like you said, I did got to know a couple of blogs that I would never have known if not for the a-z challenge.

    congrats on finishing the challenge.

    have a lovely day.

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  3. Congratulations on completing the challenge, and challenge it always is. Sorry you didn’t get as much response as you’d hoped for. I have found the days I was able to spend more time visiting and always (always) leave a live link with your comment where the days I got the most comments. I personally never ignore a live comment on my own blog. My reflections of a crazy A to Z Blogging month

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